I joined the Systems department at Cornell to teach a class on data-driven decision-making.

I’m excited to share that I joined the Systems department at Cornell this past spring semester to teach a class on data-driven decision-making.

From my own educational training, my most valuable learning experience came from building something tangible that solves a problem for other people; so the students were asked to use #Streamlit for all final project implementations in Python. Additionally, every team showcased their final project with a summary on #Medium to share it with a greater audience. All code is shared on Github for open access:

SYSEN-5160 Projects

Great job everyone and happy graduation: Jamie Donahue Sijie C. Fernando Celaya Oyón Henry Harwood Ronin Sharma Sushant Gadgil Isabel Richter Mariya Tasnim Xinzhu W. (and all other students I am not connected with on LinkedIn).

A big thanks to all guest speakers for their input lectures which added unique perspectives on the topics we covered: Graeme Troxell Christian Sprague Siddharth Dasari Mark Sen Dong Marius Wiggert Filipe Pereira

Finally, I’d like to thank Phuc Vo for all the help with grading and Oliver Gao for the opportunity to collaborate on the conceptualization and development of SYSEN5160.